About us

ANICP (National Association of Canned Fish Industries) is an Association founded in 1977 whose objective is to defend the interests of its members.

At ANICP, we work daily to:

– promote cooperation between members, encouraging the achievement of converging positions on matters of common interest, defending these positions before any public or private entities;

– guarantee and preserve the prestige of the Association’s activity, promote its dissemination and contribute to the correct and impartial information of the public;

– develop studies and implement the necessary actions for the effective support of its members, within the scope of the respective activity;

– represent its members in the celebration of collective labor agreements;

– join, participate or be represented in other associations or in any legal persons that pursue purposes of interest to the members’ own activity;

– practice, in general, all the actions and functions necessary for the achievement of its purposes;

– defend the interests of its members at the international level, representing them with key institutions in the sector.

In terms of internationalization, ANICP:

– is a member and founder of AIPCE (European Fish Processors Association) where the most important national representations of the sectors of processing of fishery products are affiliated

– is a founding member of CISAP (International Committee for the Defense of “Sardina Pilchardus Waulbon”, together with its Spanish, French, Italian, Moroccan and Tunisian counterparts)

– is a founding member of Euroatum, the Association of European Tuna Shipowners and Processors, made up of ANICP and its Spanish, French, Italian and English counterparts, with a view of defending these interests before the World Trade Organization.

As part of the monitoring of community policies for the fisheries sector, ANICP is a member of the EU Fisheries and Aquaculture Committee and is a candidate for a seat on the General Assembly of the Southern Western Waters Regional Advisory Council of the European Union.


Anicp is a simple and versatile structure that integrates several services, namely:

Consultancy and technical food information

Legal advice


Periodic information regarding legislation and other interests in the sector

Exclusive access to the network of registered and partnership companies

ANICP in the news

Corporate Bodies



Pinhais & Companhia, Lda
João Paulo Teófilo



Cofisa – Conservas de Peixe da Figueira, S.A.
José Maria Freitas

Portugal Norte – Elvecio Souza

Gencoal S.A. – Manuela Gilman

Ramirez & Cª (filhos) S.A. – Manuel Ramirez

Santa Catarina Industria Conserveira S.A. – Rogério Veiros



Comur – Fábrica de Conservas da Murtosa, Lda
Paulo Moreira
Conserveira do Sul, Lda. – Jorge Ferreira