It is with great regret and consternation that we announce the death of Mr Manuel Ramirez, a founding member of the National Association of Fish Canneries (ANICP).

Born on 1 September 1941 in Vila Real de Santo António, Manuel Ramirez, president of ANICP for a decade, subsequently remained actively involved in the functions of the Association, where he currently held a seat on the Board of Directors.

He was a successful businessman who knew how to boost the Canning Industry in Portugal and accompany the great transformations of the national industry.

In 2015 he opened Ramirez’s Factory 1853, one of the greenest and most functional industrial units in the world in the agri-food sector.

It will always be an unavoidable reference for Portuguese canned fish. Thank you.

ANICP offers its heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

EAT&ART has the main objective of disseminating the affinities between gastronomy and contemporary art, having the best Portuguese chefs and plastic artists as its protagonists, focusing the dialogue on the oldest and dearest industry in Portugal, the canning industry.

From the EAT&ART exhibition, a book was born, as well as a set of 18 works of art with the canning industry as a theme and 18 dishes using Portuguese canned fish, which now results in an exhibition at the MMIPO of these magnificent works.

The project explores the creative component of two seemingly distant activities, but united by common elements throughout history.

EAT&ART, places Portuguese canned food at the centre of cultural activity and makes this speciality, so noble in its simplicity and an object inextricably linked to our daily lives, the engine of an inter-sectorial dialogue from which may result productions aimed at satisfying the needs of the heart, head and stomach.